Setting up MIDI Controllers in Logic Pro (Volume, Pan, Plugins)
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Logic pro x controller assignments no expert view free -Logic Pro X Tutorial: How To Control Any Parameter | Your Local Musician
Logic pro x controller assignments no expert view free.Your Homework Help Service Website
Clear editor. Upload or insert images from URL. By logic8mine , December 3, in Logic Pro. By joshj , 9 hours ago in Logic Pro. By sjasz , 3 hours ago in Logic Pro. Click here! Share More sharing options Followers 0. Reply to this topic Start new topic. In a standard control surface configuration you can use a single control surface, or several. Each device can run independently or can be part of a control surface group comprised of multiple devices as described in Create control surface groups in Logic Pro.
For instance, make sure you don't have Touch Position output enabled as well as Pressure or Pitch Bend enabled. Please wait Sign up for our newsletter Please note we're currently out of production. If we get enough interest, we may do a crowd sale supported run in the future.
Let us know if you're interested! You can also follow us on twitter. Our Newsletter. Open the "Controller Assignments" window by pressing Command-k Select Expert View Now, using the mouse, move the control you'd like to map first. Improve this answer. Unfortunately, the Direct setting appears to have a bug, and consistently jumps to -8 1 1 1.
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- Logic pro x controller assignments no expert view free
They are some of the coolest yet most powerful devices for controlling mixed media - traditionally used to connect to music software like Ableton Live to play virtual instruments as well as control effects - but can also be used with VJ software like Resolume , and even lighting control programs like Lightjams!
The exercise of completing this project helped me to gain the skills to grow from a Novice Tinkerer to at least an Intermediate one. It really got my feet wet in the world of Arduino, electronics, and even some product design. I hope that it would do the same for you! I've broken down the process into several smaller steps below - mostly so that I could also provide more photos and video to fit the Instructables layout.
Some of you will have strengths in certain categories more than others, so feel free to skip around based on your goals. However, I will be writing this tutorial to an audience who may only have a basic tinkering knowledge of each one, but hopes to grow just as I did!
Secondly, it's always a good idea to prototype first. I won't detail all the steps for prototyping to save redundancy, but in reality, I did several prototypes with a breadboard before actually putting it together.
This helped me to understand the Circuit and Coding better because those were my areas of weakness. In fact, I started off with a 2 Button, 1 Knob, 1 Fader prototype and worked my way up! With the wealth of options out there, it can get overwhelming. After testing and analyzing several different Arduinos, I finally decided on the Pro Micro designed by Spark Fun for the following reasons:.
For a more thorough comparison of boards, you can check out this link. Luckily, the Required tools and materials actually needed for this project are pretty basic! However, there are several recommended Optional items that would make your life much easier if you happen to have or want to add your collection. Feel free to adapt as well! Designing how you want to lay out all your components in advance will save you a ton of headache later on when trying to fit everything into a small Enclosure.
As a prelude to the CAD drawing, I prepped the box with wood stain so I could do the design while it was drying. Water-based stain is really nice so that it doesn't overwhelm you with fumes unless you like that sort of thing , and it is easier on the skin. Brushing lightly and giving it 2 coats did the trick. Then I let it dry for 24 hours. My box was 14x14cm with a 5mm wall. If you have a different sized enclosure, you can do the scale and trace trick according to your dimensions since you only really need the center points.
Just make sure everything still fits and that you still write down the hole diameter sizes. Definitely keep this in mind as you design, and especially before you start to drilling Buttons are ok since they use Digital pins. Here is the pinout diagram for the UNO. Since I personally get dizzy looking at electrical diagrams, I made several of my own visual diagrams to help break up the wiring process into bite-sized chunks. Please take a look at them, as I think the visuals provide a clearer map to the wiring strategy - better than I could do in writing.
For electronics and coding, they behave the same way, so they have this fancy name. Fortunately, you won't have to do much programming since I already created the sketch for you!
I would like to thank Gustavo Silveira aka Music Nerd , as the sketch is heavily modified from his version. See photos. Now that you are technically done building the MIDI Controller, of course you want to start playing right away! Many of you are doing this project to use with Ableton Live for music They both have trial versions if you are interested in checking out.
The layout of each software is slightly different so please reference the images attached if needed - however, what's great is the MIDI mapping logic is nearly identical! A BIG pat on the back for everyone who has made it this far. It really takes some diligence to get all the details finished, but it's well worth it in the end! I hope you can expand on this tutorial and really make it your own. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
As for me, I am already chomping at the bit to turn this into a Bluetooth controller Here you will find a few more resources , including the final steps of how to get the Arduino UNO working! That adds a few more steps It still works! MIDI Monitor - for Mac users, this is a really handy software that just lets you visually see what your controls are doing.
Question 9 days ago. Wonderfull project, thanks a lot. I have one slight anomaly: the pots are frequently sending double or triple same values. Installed the latest version of usbmidi library. Any idea? Answer 8 days ago. Reply 8 days ago. Hi dolce, thx for quick answer. I tried everything you suggest: B10K pots, only one pot, tried different analog pins, tried different pots no problem with buttons , sketch AnalogReadSerial works fine, no double readings.
I also tried different sketches with other libraries Midi Controller lib and UsbMidi library and got the exact same behaviour: to go from value 0 to 10, it gives about 20 to 30 midi CC messages. Dont you think that's strange? It gives no audible effects, I just dont want my Midi communication clogged with useless messages.
The only thing I want is to "thin out" the midi stream, so there cant be 2 or more adjacent values within lets say 10 milliseconds the doubles are always only a couple of milliseconds apart. Do you know of any Arduino piece of code that does this? Question 3 months ago on Step 7. I don't understand what should be in there Answer 2 months ago. Question 2 months ago. Any reason for the ohms resistor? If i take a white led 3 2v with 20ma to a source 5v its says 90 ohms is needed.
If you do have the exact spec of your LED and want optimum brightness for your LED, by all means feel free to change the resistance value. Good luck! Question 7 months ago.
Answer 7 months ago. Hi djzone, Oh, that would be a great function to add! This guy turns it into a media controller, so you would need to adjust the code according to your needs for your machine. However, I was reading up on some articles, and people seem to have a bit of trouble with the accuracy of rotary encoders, plus you have to add quite a bit of code.
If you are using a Pro Micro or atmega32u4 board , you can easily add HID keyboard or mouse functions. I wonder if that would be another way to go? You could add a Joystick with select button , or extra push buttons to map to any keyboard arrow or function. I just tested out to make sure you can add both the HID libraries with the MIDI library in the same sketch, and it compiled without errors. I have also built my own media controllers using this method and it's rather straightforward.
If that is something that interests you, I can also send you some links Reply 6 months ago. Hi there, This is a really cool project. I'm planning to build this. I want to add more potentiometers Can I do it with 74HC ic? Reply 7 months ago. Hi fitnessvolex, nice! Hey migueloid, that's rad and very excited for you!
I haven't actually tried changing the buttons to CC messages, but I'm sure it could be done. Maybe you can also describe more in-depthly what you would like to do within your VST? Feel free to attach screenshots. C2, Ch1 is my default assigned note in the code for the first button I have some other ideas, but first would like to hear more about the specifics of your goal before I ramble on more Thank you so much for your quick reply!
Actually, I thought that command was only meant to send MIDI Notes for example in a scale and I was scared that once I hit the button, it would just send a piano note for instance instead of a command to my VST plugins.
Instead, I thought MIDI Controllers used a CC command different to the pots for turning plugins, pedal bypass on and off, so thanks for your correction and now let me refrase my first question now hahaha. Aha -- glad to clarify that and will make things more straightfoward using my example sketches!
That is a good question, and it makes sense why it would seem confusing. The good news is, I think you will be in luck! So like
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